Tuesday, December 2, 2008

well, with no job coming in, Im out of gas money and cant pay the car insurance. So Im gonna lose my car. Thats the sigh, lol. The wonderful thing is that God is still so very good! He promises to provide, and thats what He'll do. Im listening to country music, and greatly enjoying it while eating cheddar chex mix, and Hawaian punch! Good stuff. Looking forward to Friday, should be a good time with the Bible study group :-). This week has been crazy, I havent even been home, lol, though its not a bad crazy. Yesterday I hung out with my friends Chris and Phil, and today I worked on Chris's Father's house, lol. It was cold, but we still managed to get a lot done. Anywho, thats about all thats going on here.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Keep Looking Up to God in Prayer. Sometimes we dont understand just why we all have these moments, but to know he has a plan and purpose for even these low times is comforting. Keep your heart open to what God might be trying to show you. I hope your car/job situation brightens a bit. Will definitely keep you in my prayers.