Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I am so glad for answered prayers!!! :-)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Somebody want to build me a time machine??? I want so much to go back in time, and be Daniel's student/disciple type person!!! Going through the book of Daniel has been a great blessing, and you see what an amazing man of God that he was. No matter what happens, he is head strong, steadfast ALWAYS following God. Wicked, devious men tried to find fault in him... and literally could find nothing. All they could do was to trick the king into making a law against worshiping any god but the king. And without really thinking, the king agreed. They knew Daniel would continue to follow God. Daniel faced death multiple times, still didn't waver with outstanding faith. He got real sick, the very day he got better the Bible says he continued to follow God. He got sick because of a crazy vision that he had from God, and Gabriel explaining it (HE GOT TO MEET GABRIEL!!!)... He didn't waver for one second. I want to meet him, ask him how he did it day in and day out with what seems to be no hesitation, and no fault. I want to be like him.

God is awesome, Im thankful for the heroes that He provides, that are WAY better than the heroes of today. Im thankful for His word. Definitely His creation! God thank you!!!