Wednesday, November 17, 2010


- I actually have a question. I was wondering what people thought of 1 John 3:19-21. Its referenced in the book.

- "We may feel deep shame, and we may condemn ourselves unmercifully, but God does not. And if God does not condemn us, than who are we to condemn ourselves."

- "Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly." I think thats an amazing statement. At first I was thinking, well... thats just a fun little saying that makes you smile cause its kinda cute. But than I thought about it a little more. If we would just get over ourselves, focus completely on Gods strength and what we could be through Him. And not what our actions make us appear to be, we could "fly high." :-)

- "We have already been accepted by the One whos acceptance really matters." I do believe that statement. It is only Gods acceptance that we need. My struggle is that I want to be accepted and loved by a young lady, whomever God would choose to bless me with. That gets in my head, and sometimes I want that more than I want to follow God. And thats not right. So thats just a prayer request! Please pray that following God would be my one focus, and not the other.

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