Wednesday, May 19, 2010

So today, was definitely pretty cool. Had a hard talk with my sister and brother in law, smacking me with reality. Helping me to get my butt in gear. And on my way to my parents house to print an application for Pinnacle, I stopped at mobile to get an application there to hold me over till camp would start (should I get accepted to work there this summer). And I didnt see a safe place to stick my application where it wouldnt get all wrinkled in my car. So I asked God to keep it safe. And as I was on the road, I happened to look over, and seen my paper had slipped down into the crack between my seat and the change holder thingy!!! It was now perfectly safe from any devastation that could occur :-P Does God care about even the little things??? I think so :-)

1 comment:

jen said...

he sure does!!! I LOVE when God helps us out like that, and I think he loves it when we notice. :)