Sunday, December 28, 2008

I'm not quite sure how to add a video. This song is one that I think greatly shows an amazing love for God. Its been a great blessing, and I hope it will be for you as well!!!

This is another song, it shows a lot about how I feel sometimes. I walked a way for a long time, and now trying to come back, its very hard. But God is good, and He can always get us back to where we need to be. One part of the song simply goes "I tried so hard." But its not about what we can do, its about what he can do in us. I hope you enjoy this song as well! This is Red-Pieces.

This will be my final one, at least for this post. I love music, lol, so bare with me. This is by one of my favorite christian bands, Kutless! They have harder rock, and they have very soft rock. I like it all, lol, but this one is soft! It talks about how God will never leave us. He hears us, He loves us, He really is our shepherd! Praise God for the love that He so freely gives. When we have done so much to give Him reason not to! Hes so good, if you didnt listen to the others, please listen to this one! I think you will enjoy it!!!

Thank you sooooo much Lord, for all that you do, for music, for mercy! I am not worthy!

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